15 May 2024

How to release Paypal payment on hold using free automated app on Shopify 2024

PayPal stands out as one of the biggest digital payment platforms online. It has over 430 million active accounts for consumers and merchants. Most ecommerce store owners use PayPal as a payment method. However, not every transaction ends up successful. Sometimes lots of Shopify merchants face the frustrating 'Payment Hold' message on their seller dashboards. Making eCommerce sales is tough enough.

The last thing they need is to wait months to get their hard-earned money. They need that cash flow to keep their business running smoothly, hence the need for a quick resolution. In this guide, we will walk you through why your PayPal payment is on hold, the effects a payment hold can have on your business, and how to release PayPal payment on hold using a free automated app on Shopify.

Why is My PayPal Payment on Hold?

There are several reasons your PayPal payment could be on hold. Some of them are:

  • The Type of Transaction
    If you're using PayPal to buy goods or services from someone you haven't done business with before, PayPal will want to be sure you're the one releasing the money. Then, they will put your payment on hold while they run checks to protect you from fraud.
  • Suspicious Activity
    One reason for PayPal’s extended hold is when they detect suspicious activities. These could include a sudden influx of transactions, especially ones that deviate from your usual spending patterns. PayPal's fraud detection system is always on the lookout for any irregularities, and if your account raises any red flags, they will keep your funds on hold until they can verify that everything is fine.
  • Lack of Selling History
    Another scenario that could trigger a 21-day hold is if you're a new seller with no transaction history on the platform. PayPal wants to ensure that newcomers are trustworthy, so they can impose a hold on your payments until they establish a track record for your account. It's like they're giving you a probationary period to prove yourself as a reliable seller.
  • Incomplete Profile of Your Merchant
    If you're dealing with a seller who has zero feedback or an incomplete profile, PayPal will put a hold on your payment. This is because they want to protect you from scammers or fraudulent sellers. So, they take extra precautions when dealing with unfamiliar accounts. But why 21 days, you might ask? Well, PayPal wants to give you enough time to resolve any issues that can come up during the transaction process.
  • Customers Filed a Complaint
    When many customers report your business, PayPal will hold your money for a bit longer. PayPal suggests that the best way to fix this is to talk directly with the buyers to solve any issues quickly. To avoid complaints, be clear about shipping costs, the condition of items, and your return policy. You can also create a message for customer service to inform customers if something serious, like a natural disaster, stops you from shipping on time.
  • Selling High-Risk Items
    If you're selling items like gift cards, travel packages, tickets, computers, or electronics, PayPal sees them as higher-risk and will place a hold on your account. That's because it's tougher to confirm if they're legit, which raises the chance they could be fake or counterfeit.

The Impact of Payment Holds on Your Business

Payment holds from PayPal have a huge effect on businesses. Some of these effects include:

Cash Flow Disruption

Payment holds can cause severe disruptions to a business's cash flow. With funds tied up, businesses will struggle to cover important expenses like inventory purchases, utility bills, and payroll. This can stop day-to-day operations and hinder growth.

Customer Dissatisfaction

When customers face payment holds during the checkout process, it makes them frustrated and dissatisfied. They will likely abandon items in carts if they don't know when their orders will be fulfilled and look for other alternatives. This will result in lost sales and low patronage.

Loss of Trust and Reputation

Payment holds can undermine the trust and credibility that businesses have worked hard to establish with their customers. A perceived lack of transparency will destroy the business's reputation, making it more difficult to attract and retain customers in the future. We all know that trust is an important aspect of a successful business relationship, and payment holds can affect this trust over time.

Operational Delays

Actually, when there are payment holds on your business, it causes delays in fulfilling orders and delivering products or services to customers. Also, your business will struggle to manage inventory, logistics, and customer inquiries.

Limited Access to Capital

With funds tied up in payment holds, businesses will face challenges accessing capital for investment, expansion, or emergency expenses. This limitation on available funds can hinder business growth opportunities. Also, businesses will find it difficult to access loans or attract investors if their financial health is negatively affected by payment holds.

Low Competitive Advantage

When a business often faces payment holds, chances are that it will lose out to competitors who handle payments smoothly. People usually like online stores with dependable payment systems. So, keeping up with the competition becomes tough when payment makes customers less confident and satisfied.

How to Get PayPal Money Off Hold Instantly

Have you ever been in a situation where the money in your PayPal account is placed on hold? It can be frustrating, especially when you need the money urgently. So, how can you get the money off the hold without wasting much time? The following steps below will help you out:

Find Out Why Your Money is on Hold

PayPal can put your funds on hold for various reasons, like a high-risk transaction, suspicious activity, or simply as a precautionary measure for new accounts or large transactions. You’ll have to check your PayPal account or email for any notifications explaining the reason behind the hold.

Verify Your Identity

Usually, PayPal can ask you to provide additional verification to release your funds. Ensure your account information is up to date and provide any necessary documents or information requested by PayPal. This could be confirming your identity, providing proof of shipment for goods sold, or verifying your bank account.

Communicate with PayPal

Keep an eye out for messages from PayPal if your account is on hold. They might reach out via your account page or email. If you're flagged for any issues, you'll need to give more details about your business for PayPal to lift the hold. The quicker you respond, the sooner you'll get access to your funds.

Provide Tracking Information

If you're selling goods or services, providing tracking information can help speed up the release process. To include tracking details for your packages, simply print a USPS or UPS shipping label, and PayPal will give you a tracking number. This tracking information shows the order status and delivery confirmation, helping you know when your buyer gets their items. Once tracking is set up, PayPal should release your funds within 3 days of the package being delivered.

Update Order Status

Remember to update the order status of the PayPal account you're using for e-commerce, once the transaction is complete. This signals to PayPal that the transaction has been carried out, and prompts them to release the funds sooner.

Advanced Solutions: Free Automated Apps on Shopify

Introducing PaySync

PaySync makes it easy to sync tracking numbers of shipped orders to your PayPal account without having to do it manually. You just set it up once, and it does the rest. It can handle orders from the last 6 months with just one click. Let's just say it helps keep your PayPal account safe from fraud and reduces the chances of chargebacks, so you can focus on growing your business.

Meanwhile, one amazing thing about PaySync is how it gives you updates right away. When an order is complete on Shopify, the app sends the newest tracking details to PayPal. This helps shop owners save time and also PayPal will get the correct information. This means getting your money faster and having fewer problems with your account, by connecting multiple accounts and stores.

How PaySync Automates Payment Release

PaySync automates the process of updating PayPal with the latest tracking information. You don't have to manually enter data or check if it's done right. When an order is done on your Shopify store, PayPal is updated right away. This saves time and makes sure payments are handled correctly.

Hence, you can focus on other parts of your business like marketing, customer service, or making new products, because you know payments are being managed. But the benefits don't stop there. PaySync makes your business run smoother by cutting down on mistakes and delays. With updates happening instantly, you won't make expensive errors and you will always keep customers satisfied.

And let's not forget about the effects of these holds on your cash flow. PaySync speeds up payment, getting your money to you faster. This is vital for keeping your business going strong and your cash flow healthy.

How to Implement PaySync in Your Shopify Store

As an ecommerce merchant, if you want to integrate PaySync into your Shopify store, here's what you need to do:

  • Sign Up for PaySync
    The first step is to sign up for PaySync. You'll need to sign into their website and create your account. Don't worry; it's quick and easy, just like setting up your Shopify store.
  • Install the PaySync App
    Once you've signed up, install the PaySync app on your Shopify store. Shopify will guide you through the process, so just follow the prompts.
  • Connect Your PayPal Account
    Now, let's link up your PayPal account with PaySync. This step is important for ensuring that your payment processing is smooth.
  • Customize Your Settings
    You'll need to customize your PaySync settings to fit your business needs. There are options of choosing when you want payments to be processed, how you want your payment notifications to look, and more. Take your time here to make sure everything is set up just the way you like it.
  • Test It Out
    Before you go live, it's always a good idea to test things out to make sure everything is working correctly. Place a test order on your Shopify store and make sure that the payment goes through smoothly.
  • Monitor and Adjust
    Don't forget to monitor your PaySync integration and make any necessary adjustments along the way. Pay attention to the payment processing times, and customer feedback. This will help you keep your payment processing running smoothly and your customers happy.

Tips on Using PaySync for Payment Issues

Making the most out of PaySync is quite easy, but you need to do it the right way by following the steps below:

Keep Your PayPal Account Updated

One of the first things you should do to optimize your use of PaySync is to ensure that your PayPal account is up to date. Make sure all your business information, like your bank account details and contact information, is current. This helps prevent any issues in the payment process.

Set Up Automatic Updates

Take advantage of PaySync's automatic update feature to keep your PayPal account synced with your Shopify store in real time. By setting up automatic updates, you can remove the need for manual data entry and all your payment information will be up to date.

Customize Your Notification Settings

PaySync allows you to customize your notification settings, so you can stay informed about the status of your payments without being overwhelmed. You choose email notifications, in-app alerts, or anyone you prefer.

How to Get Pending Money from PayPal Faster

It can be traumatic if your money is kept pending somewhere. More like it's hanging in the air. You wouldn't have access to it, and yet it's not in your account. If you want to get pending money from PayPal faster, here's how to go about it:

Confirm Receipt of Goods or Services

One of the ways to get your money quickly is by providing all the necessary information to PayPal to confirm that the goods or services have been delivered successfully. It will speed up the payment release process and reduce the chances of your payment being held up.

Communicate with Your Customer

If you're a vendor, it's important for you to maintain open communication with your customer throughout the transaction process. Keep them updated on the status of their order, provide tracking information if they need it, and address any concerns or questions they may have. A satisfied customer is more likely to confirm receipt of goods or services, which makes your money be released faster.

Use Paysync

There are several tools available that can help you speed up the payment release process. For example, PaySync offers automated payment processing and real-time updates, which can help fasten the release of pending funds.

Can a PayPal Payment Hold be Reversed?

Yes, sometimes a PayPal Payment on hold can be reversed depending on the circumstances. Usually, PayPal can place a hold on your account as its way of protecting users and also checkmating transactions. However, there are some scenarios where a PayPal Payment hold can be reversed. They include:

Seller Protection

If you're a seller, PayPal can put a hold on your payment to ensure that the buyer receives the goods or services they paid for. Once the buyer confirms they got what they paid for, PayPal usually releases the funds. So, if you're a seller, the hold can be reversed once the transaction is completed successfully.

New Account or Activity

Sometimes, PayPal puts holds on payments if it detects unusual activity or if you're a new account holder. This is just PayPal being extra cautious. In this case, once you establish a good track record and build trust with PayPal, they may reduce or lift the holds on your payments.

Disputes or Claims

If there's a dispute or a claim filed by either the buyer or the seller, PayPal might put the payment on hold until the issue is resolved. This could happen if there's a problem with the goods or services, or if there's a misunderstanding between the parties involved. Once the dispute is settled, PayPal will release the funds.

Large Transactions

For big-ticket items or transactions, PayPal might hold the payment temporarily until they can verify everything is okay. Once the transaction is confirmed and all checks are passed, PayPal will release the funds.

Payment Method

Sometimes, the payment method used can affect whether a payment is put on hold or not. For example, if you're using a credit card that hasn't been verified or if there are insufficient funds, PayPal might hold the payment until the issue is resolved.


Dealing with money holds on PayPal can be frustrating, but you can make it easier by knowing why they happen and what to do to get your funds released. To speed up getting your money, make sure to add tracking info, update the order status, and communicate with PayPal. Also, offering great customer service and keeping in touch with your customers can help make transactions smoother and reduce the chances of future holds.

Remember, PayPal's hold policy is there to keep both buyers and sellers safe, making sure online transactions are secure and reliable. So, as you focus on what your customers want, you can also try out PaySync. PaySync is made to link tracking numbers to your PayPal and Stripe accounts instantly. Our goal is to speed up fund transfers, avoid delays and disagreements, and establish trust with PayPal. Enjoy the ease of syncing with just one click, making it easier to build your reputation as a merchant.

PaySync is designed to sync tracking numbers to your PayPal & Stripe accounts in real time. Our aim is to accelerate fund release, bypass holds/disputes, and build PayPal trust. Enjoy the simplicity of one-click syncing, enhancing your merchant reputation effortlessly.
